I am Xx_TheMilkMan69_xX. You WILL paste my banner onto your site!
<a href="https://xxthemilkman69xx.neocities.org/"><img src="https://xxthemilkman69xx.neocities.org/milkbanner.gif">
Xx_TheMilkMan69_xX is...
Still working on this fuckass website
A capital G Gamer
A RETRO gamer
A collector of things (vidja games, VHS tapes)
A 3D modelling artist (NOT AMATEUR AT ALL!!!!)
NOT gay
Works a shitty retail job
Probably too young to be on the indieweb
A total fucking retard schizoid who can find something to like out of wonderful games such as Bubsy 3D and YIIK - A Post-Modern RPG
Hates most modern movies and loves the old
Absolutely horrible (amazing!) at HTML and CSS
An Agora Road traveller
Going to inspect your milk. Line up against the wall.